Blush for Me - Kristen Proby


ARC Review:  Blush For Me (Fusion) by Kristen Proby


Kristen Proby and her Fusion series bursts with flavor.  I keep coming back because the message is a powerful one and the characters are hard to ignore.

Fusion is built on sisterhood, friendship, equality and love.  The message:  "It's okay to be different, just be yourself."  We all need to hear that at one time or another and being true to oneself is the greatest piece of advice a person can receive.   Kat wears her self - confidence like a badge of honor.  She speaks her mind.  Goes after what she wants and is working on facing her fears.  When a test of fear comes back to bite her in the butt, her white knight is there in the next seat to hold her hand.  Mac is no hero, but he is tempted  to break his own rules.  Now he has to decide, if facing his biggest fear will net him his greatest reward.  Love with attitude.  Kristen Proby does it up right.