India R. Adams has recovered the Tainted Water Series and they are GORGEOUS!



"India R Adams will be a name to watch!" - Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewer Grady Harp

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The blue water I sank through was angelic, quiet, peaceful... 

Whitney is a vivacious, highly spirited 17-year-old girl. Her motto, “Live life to the fullest,” is derailed when the young man who’s captured her attention turns out to be the son of a the drug tycoon who provided the drugs that killed her brother. Whitney believes she needs to heal from her first heartache, not knowing she is a part of a devious trade— one that violates human rights, and she has been… since the day she was born.

Blue Waters is the first Novella in Tainted Waters and begins a story of deception, corruption, self discovery, and love with all that it demands you sacrifice… 

There was a beauty in dying that day…

*Special FREE offer for sequel, Black Waters. See details inside book*