by Nomi Summers Today!


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releases in just a couple of days. Get an exclusive sneak peek
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Even rock stars are haunted by the one that got away...

Chasing music and freedom, Shane Knox left Arbor Shores nine years ago and never looked back... until now. With his best friend, Dax, getting married, Shane is coming home to face his past as well as Avery, the girl he left behind. 



The second he lays eyes on her, all of his long suppressed feelings come rushing back in a tidal wave of regret. For him, it was never truly over. But is it too late for a second chance? 



Despite being bitter over Shane’s abrupt exit, Avery has bigger problems on her hands than drama with her ex. Her family’s hotel, Arbor Shores Resort, is struggling. Financial difficulties have landed the business in prime position for a real estate buyout, which would destroy all Avery and her family have built. 



Putting his career on the line, Shane comes up with a plan that could save the resort. But will it be enough to redeem himself with Avery? 



Or is it time for him to leave Arbor Shores for good?




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Capturing the Heart of the Rock StarCapturing the Heart of the Rock Star by Nomi Summers

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not every love story gets a second chance. Will Shane and Avery let the sins of the past ruin a chance to finally make things right? Shane is the boy that broke her heart. Avery is the girl that haunts his dreams. When a happy occasion brings these exes face to face, sparks fly. Capturing the Heart of a Rock Star is an unfinished love song. Summers takes hold of the emotions as she explores young love and adult heartache. Avery and Shane are the best and worst of what love is. Sweet, heartbreaking and everlasting.

View all my reviews



Copyright @ Nomi Summers 2019 

“Is that old lighthouse still up at North Point?” he asked. 

“It sure is. They closed it to the public several years back, so you can’t get to it
by the main gate. You can still get out to it, but you have to park down a side
road and then walk up the coast for about a quarter of a mile.”

Shane looked at her and grinned. “Take a walk with me?” 

“You mean, to the lighthouse?”

“I’d love to see it.” 

She thought to herself for a moment about all that needed to be done at
the resort, but something about taking a walk up the shore to the
abandoned lighthouse with Shane was calling out to her.
Plus, she hadn’t seen it herself in years.

“Okay, up here about a mile, you’ll see a small opening. Turn left onto
the dirt road, and then park anywhere on the side of the road.”

Shane followed her directions and parked the truck on the
wooded road. They walked a short way to an opening that
landed them on a deserted beach, then headed north up
the shoreline. Shane stopped every few minutes to look
for Petoskey stones, a native stone to the area that was
commonly found on the shores of Lake Michigan.
His excitement was infectious. 

“Wow, it’s even cooler looking now that it’s abandoned,” he said
as they grew closer to the lighthouse. “Can you still get inside?” 

“I don’t think so. And even if you could, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Chicken?” he challenged her as he started jogging toward it.
The lighthouse jetted off into the water on a rocky base, and
the two had to climb those rocks to reach it. Once atop, Shane
tried the door, but it was locked. He disappeared around the
other side, and Avery scanned the area to make sure nobody
else was nearby. She was already a bit nervous that they were
trespassing, and now he wanted to go inside the abandoned
lighthouse that had been closed for years? She had to admit,
this was the most excitement she’d felt since she was a
teenager when they used to sneak around so Dax wouldn’t
find out they were dating. When he finally did catch them,
he wasn’t happy. But after a few months he realized he could
either spend time with them together, or Shane was going to
keep disappearing to spend time alone with Avery, so he
dropped the protective older brother act and gave them his blessing.

“Avery, over here!” she heard him yell from the other side. She met up
with him to find he had opened a side door. 

“Shane! What are you doing? We can’t go in there.
How did you even get that door open?”

“I pushed.” He grinned. “Go to the top with me?
I bet the views are amazing from up there.” 

“If we get caught, we are going to get into some serious trouble.”

“Are you always this much fun?” he teased. “What happened to that
fearless girl I used to know?” 

“She grew up and got responsible. At least I can say that for one of us.”
But her comment fell on deaf ears as Shane disappeared inside.
Avery couldn’t help but follow him. The adrenaline of sneaking into the
lighthouse was exhilarating, and she didn’t mind the thought of being
alone with Shane at the top. 

She followed him in and closed the door behind her. A musty smell
greeted her as she made her way up the creaky stairs to try to catch
up to Shane, who was halfway to the top. 

“Shane!” she hollered up in a soft yell as if someone would hear her.
“Wait up, there are cobwebs everywhere!”

“Be careful on these stairs,” he yelled down as he waited for her,
allowing her to pass him so she would be in front of him. As she
passed, he put his hands on her waist to steady her, setting off a
chain reaction in her body. He always had a way of making her
feel safe. “Here, you go ahead of me so I can catch you if you fall.” 

“I’m not going to fall.” She gave him a playful smile, but she was
comforted knowing he was behind her. 

When they reached the top step, both of their mouths dropped in awe.
The view of Lake Michigan from the top of the watchtower was
spectacular. The lake went on for what seemed like an eternity, and
the 360-degree views of the area were stunning. Unable to see across,
the massive lake disappeared into an abyss of blue until it melted into
a different shade from the cloudless sky. The watchtower was about
ten feet in diameter, with an opening for the staircase in the middle,
making it a tight fit for two people. Avery clung to a brass railing near
the window. She felt Shane come up behind her and wrap his arms
around her waist, enveloping her in the sweetest embrace. 

She turned her body around to face him, and he kept his arms
around her. She could feel his warm breath as he leaned in
and cupped her cheek with one hand. She leaned into it,
allowing him to caress her face. 

“I’ve missed you, Avery.” His voice was low. She closed her eyes,
taking in the moment. She had a feeling he wanted to finish the
kiss that nearly started last night outside of Ripples, and she
couldn’t think of any reason to stop him.








Author Nomi Summers: 




Nomi Summers is a clean contemporary romance author with a flair
for taming bad boy heroes readers swoon over.



When she’s not dreaming up her next sweet small-town romance,
you’ll find her at the beach devouring the latest new release on
her Kindle. Her other guilty pleasures include getting lost in
mindless reality TV and spending far too much time talking
to her dogs, as she’s convinced they understand every other word!



Nomi’s living her own “happily ever after” with her loving husband
and their two fur babies in Tampa Bay, Florida. However, a piece
of her heart will always belong in Michigan where she’s
originally from--the inspiration for the settings in her novels. 






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