The Billionaire’s Christmas Fiancée (Christmas with the Denton Billionaires Book 1) by: Leslie North

The Billionaire’s Christmas Fiancée (Christmas with the Denton Billionaires Book 1) - Leslie North



Leslie North tends to stay on the wayside of sentimental. Sexy is usually the name of the game. However, every once in a while she veers off course and into Hallmark territory. The Billionaire's Christmas Fiancee is one of those times. Josh and Amelia gives emotion that tingly feeling. This time around North shoots her arrow at the heart and hits bulls-eye on the first aim. Not her standard style, but it works. Amelia is the girl next door trying to break out of that friend zone. Josh is the clueless guy, in secret lust with his dream girl. The boss and assistant scenario is a tad cliche', but the chemistry between these two is strong enough to pull it off. Sexy takes a back seat to sweet and gets a winning score.