The Forbidden Valentine: Lady Eleanor Hawthorne (Hawthorne Sisters, #1) by: Isabella Thorne

The Forbidden Valentine (Hawthorne Sisters, #1) by Isabella Thorne
Reviewed for Candid Book Reviews
Escape into a fantasy where love is not always beautiful, hate tries to rain supreme and hope is just a heartbeat away. Thorne takes the reality of the present and spit shines it into a captivating waltz of emotions. Eleanor and David are a testament to the power that the heart yields. The Forbidden Valentine shrouds itself with darkness, but little by little finds it's light. From dangerous drama to heartbreaking romance, both author and her cast of eclectic characters paint an uplifting picture about the healing power of love.
Reviewed for Candid Book Reviews
Escape into a fantasy where love is not always beautiful, hate tries to rain supreme and hope is just a heartbeat away. Thorne takes the reality of the present and spit shines it into a captivating waltz of emotions. Eleanor and David are a testament to the power that the heart yields. The Forbidden Valentine shrouds itself with darkness, but little by little finds it's light. From dangerous drama to heartbreaking romance, both author and her cast of eclectic characters paint an uplifting picture about the healing power of love.