KISS ME IN THE DARK compiles a selection of deliciously dark chapters from bestselling romance authors with additional, never-before-seen content. We’re hoping to introduce new readers to our world and also give our loyal readers a chance to get lost in the stories they love with these bonus scenes. It’s only a taste, just three chapters each…but it’s enough for you to get addicted and want more.


Release Date: June 30th


It includes:

Monica JamesBad Saint; bonus content is the first chapter of the upcoming release The Devil’s Crown—All the Pretty Things Trilogy spin-off.

Aleatha RomigUnconventional; bonus content is the prologue, an outside prospective on this stalker romance.

Amo JonesIn Fury Lies Mischief; bonus content: Eli’s Transition.

Callie Hart

Cora ReillyLuca Vitiello; bonus content is the prologue and first chapter of the upcoming standalone Fragile Longing—an age-gap arranged marriage romance.

Giana Darling––Enthralled; bonus content is a new chapter from hero Alexander Davenport’s POV.

K WebsterThis is War, Baby; bonus content is a new thrilling “training” chapter in the villainous Gabe’s POV with Baylee.

Lili St. GermainVicious Prince; bonus content is never-before-seen chapters from the main characters past.

S.M. SotoDeception and Chaos; bonus content is a never-before-seen chapter written from Creed’s POV.

Parker S. HuntingtonDevious Lies; bonus content is a never-before-seen email from Nash to Emery.

Willow WintersA Kiss to Tell; bonus content is a never-before-seen chapter.

So come, sit, and enjoy a taste of the darkness…you just may like it.


ALL proceeds will be donated to:


NO KID HUNGRY: https://www.nokidhungry.org/


TLC FOR KIDS: https://www.tlcforkids.org.au/







Take It All Off by Weston Parker is #ComingJune10!



Add to your TBR today!



I got my big break in an Italian strip club.

I'm not even kidding.

All I've wanted was to travel the world and have enough money to do it.

Simple, right? Wrong.

Florence has become a second home to me.

I'm in love with the city and everything it has to offer, but it hasn't really loved me back.

Making enough money to travel isn't an issue when you don't even have enough to make rent.

But then I meet a sexy, mysterious man.

Yes, in a strip club.

Crazier than that, he offers me a job.

I can even keep my clothes on in this one.

It'd be crazy to refuse him. Even if being attracted to one's boss can never be a good idea.

One little snag: he thinks I'm gay.

I'm not, as he comes to find out.

Marco and I work well together, and we play well together. But we can't be together, not really.

Because Florence is my second home, but it's not my home.

Italian mothers aren't like American mothers, and this little snag isn't going to be as easy to clear up.

Neither is going to be explaining not one, but two little heartbeats that just popped up on the doctor's monitor.




Add to your Goodreads TBR ➜ https://bit.ly/TIAO_WP_GR






To celebrate the cover reveal of Take it All Off, Weston Parker is giving away a signed copy of Take It All Off and a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Head to his Facebook page to enter: https://facebook.com/WestonParkerAuthor/










Becoming the Street Boss by Hayley Faiman is coming June 26! Don’t miss this heart-pounding, mafia romance full of twists and turns with an Alpha Male that you can’t help but fall in love with. #Pre-order today!







Becoming the Street Boss (Zanetti Famiglia #4)

Amazon US - https://amzn.to/2xMNb75

Amazon UK - https://amzn.to/2WfsJoW

Amazon CA - https://amzn.to/3cjOKbP

Amazon AU - https://amzn.to/3chmois

Becoming the Street Boss - mybook.to/StreetBoss1




Twenty-two and only loved one man, Trista left the Savage


Massimo Ferrucci is a third-generation Zanetti famiglia Made Man. Born a bastard. His mother, a mistress. His father, cruel and hard. Raised by a woman who held no affection for him.


Pippa Mazzilli has only ever craved freedom. Forced to live with an aunt who cares nothing for her other than the financial security her existence provides. When the money runs out, Pippa is turned away from her home.


Scared. Alone. Desperate. Pippa runs to the very men that she has despised her entire life. Men that she swore she would never subject herself or her future to—Zanetti famiglia men.


A match is made, an arrangement that cannot be undone. Unchangeable events unfold for the new couple that are out of even the famiglias control. The Street Boss must decide if he can give Pippa not just what she needs to survive, but what she desires to thrive.





Add to your Goodreads TBR: https://bit.ly/BTSB_GR




All Zanetti Famiglia in order:

Becoming the Boss - mybook.to/BecomingBoss1

Becoming his Mistress - mybook.to/BecomingMistress1

Becoming his Possession- mybook.to/BecomingPossession1

Becoming the Street Boss - mybook.to/StreetBoss1





Hush by Anne Malcom & BT Urruela is coming August 11!




They were taken.
Off the street. From parking lots. Malls. Playgrounds.
Snatched from life and thrust into hell.
They took Orion Darby on a perfect summer day, while she could still taste her first kiss on her lips.
She joined the others with chains on their ankles and scars on their souls.
They turned into nothing more than statistics. Cold cases. Lost girls.
Years passed and the world forgot.

Until the day they escaped.

This is not about their captivity.
This is about their struggle to return to a life that's passed them by.
This was the real world.
But for Orion, this was hell.
You see... freedom isn't enough.
She needs blood.



Add to your Goodreads TBR List here: https://bit.ly/3emtwKU